[adult swim]

All kids out of the pool. This is the unofficial Adult Swim Discord, a sister to the unofficial r/adultswim subreddit.

[adult swim]

Created: June 24, 2017

Members: 4820

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Our server is almost definitely one of the biggest fan Discords out there for talking about all things Adult Swim. We have channels for Adult Swim, Toonami, Cartoon Network, Checkered Past, the defunct live streams, the bumpers, Rick and Morty, Tim & Eric, Venture Bros., Fox cartoons, and anything that’s been new lately in the world of Adult Swim. We also have a channel and forum devoted for talking about literally any other piece of content your heart desires. Sometimes we have fun voice chats. Sometimes we talk about politics and it gets depressing. Sometimes #food is all the rage. Dive on into the deep end.

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