AFK Crowdsource

Cero's AFK Journey + AFK Arena Server for Crowdsourced Solutions to competitive content. Teamwork makes the dream work!

AFK Crowdsource

Created: June 23, 2021

Members: 13661

Join Discord Server

Looking to dominate AFK Arena and conquer AFK Journey modes like Battle Drill, Dream Realm, and more? Seeking the latest curated guides and competitive insights? Welcome to the AFK Arena & AFK Journey Crowdsource discord server!

Launched in June 2021, we’re all about pooling knowledge to boost your gameplay in AFK Arena and now AFK Journey!

Home to Cero’s Quick Guides™ and a hub for global player strategies, our server now covers a range of competitive modes:

– General Chat – Actually General!
– Fan Art / Art Share
– News Feeds + Datamining
– Guides + Guide Feeds
– Guild Recruitment + Looking for Guilds
– Content Creator Links

AFK Journey
– Seasonal Content
– Battle Drill
– Dream Realm
– Honor Duel
– Arena
– Arcane Labyrinth
– Legend Trials
– Dura’s Trials

AFK Arena
– Abyssal Expedition
– Hunting Fields
– Cursed Realm
– Nightmare Corridor
– Treasure Scramble
– Treasure Vanguard
– Temporal Rift
– Thrilling Voyage
– Shadow Invasions
– Limited Events

Join us and your friends in the community! Let’s conquer these challenges together and claim those epic rewards. See you there!

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