
Almendria is a micronation existing since **2016**! | Socialist-Communist Server | Active Military! | Economy


Created: August 18, 2022

Members: 1270

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u3016u25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu3016uD83CuDF8Cu3017uD835uDC11uD835uDC1EuD835uDC29uD835uDC2EuD835uDC1BuD835uDC25uD835uDC22uD835uDC1C uD835uDC28uD835uDC1F uD835uDC00uD835uDC25uD835uDC26uD835uDC1EuD835uDC27uD835uDC1DuD835uDC2BuD835uDC22uD835uDC1Au3016uD83CuDF8Cu3017u25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu25ACu3017

Welcome to **Almendria** everyone, we are a friendly and entertaining growing community of people who enjoy Micronationalism, its history and culture and really anything! We are based on socialist and left-wing values but all law abiding and peace loving individuals are absolutely welcome. Why should I join? Look below!


u25C8 u300EuD83DuDCACu300F Community
We are an entertaining community, civility is enforced around here, with toxicity and rude behavior banned. We many channels to talk about anything you would like!

u25C8 u300EuD83CuDFDBuFE0Fu300F Government
An incredibly advanced and developed Government that actually matters! Create and join Parties, run in the elections. We are a free and fair democracy. Watch your party rise to the top! Rise up to a government position like MP, Chief Minister etc. and build up the nation, server, and community!

u25C8 u300EuD83DuDCDAu300F Immersion
Be immersed in an environment with realistic politics and landmarks!

u25C8 u300Eu2694uFE0Fu300F Defense Forces
Grind up to various military tiers and become a high-ranking and respected officer! Serve and protect your nation! – we have one of **the most detailed Armed Forces of the micronational world, in fact!**

u25C8 u300EuD83EuDE99u300F Economic System
A rich economic system with occupations, salaries, corporations and an **actual, real, exchangeable, USD cryptocurrency** and stock market! You can rise up to success and to becoming a prominent businessman!

And so much more!


So what are you waiting for everyone? Join today in one of the most developed micronations in the world and on discord!

u25C8 u300EuD83DuDD17u300F Links
Server Invite:

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