Amir Satvat’s Games Community

LinkedIn Professionals Gaming Community [Career Advice, Resources, Reviews, Mentorships] "Built with love for gamers"

Amir Satvat's Games Community

Created: April 22, 2024

Members: 5399

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A community for all gamers within the gaming industry. Get to know professionals working in the games industry ranging from indie to AAA companies.

As this is a professional network server, you’ll find a welcoming community, a plethora of useful resources that will help you in forging new connections, finding collaboration opportunities and be in the extended LinkedIn network of gaming professionals.

Join us now to stay updated on the current news and connect with the professionals that you never know you need. We are committed to ​empowering gamers at every stage of their career with ​comprehensive support, resources, and a thriving community ​environment.

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