Welcome to Anime HQ India Discord server! We are a striving community of Weebs from India.


Created: June 15, 2021

Members: 1185

Join Discord Server

Welcome to our anime and manga tailored Discord server! We are a community of fans who love discussing and sharing our favorite anime and manga series. Whether you’re new to anime or a seasoned otaku, you’ll find something here to enjoy.

We have a variety of channels dedicated to different anime genres, as well as general discussion channels for all things anime-related. You can also participate in voice and text chats with other members, attend watch parties, and participate in games and events.

We have a friendly and welcoming community, and we encourage respectful and constructive discussion. Please be sure to read and follow our rules and guidelines to ensure a positive experience for all members.

We hope you enjoy your time on our server and make some great connections with other anime fans!

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