Antistasi Ultimate Community

The AUC is a group dedicated to Antistasi Ultimate. 5 years old and counting.

Antistasi Ultimate Community

Created: March 04, 2021

Members: 5073

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Founded as the Casual Arma Bois in 2019, we began as a small group of friends trying out Antistasi.

Since then, the server has gone through many players, with the only constant being me as the host.

Eventually my mission meddling led me to contact Silence, who I learned of through his original Antistasi Clone Wars mission. We worked together to improve on his initial work and produced several new antistasi versions for different mods/eras. I also met Karl, a fellow group owner, who was planning on making custom antistasi’s for his group.

This led us to the idea to create a new unified version encompassing all our work, and thus Antistasi Ultimate was born.

The original incarnation was based upon the Antistasi Plus mission. But with the knowledge that the Official Antistasi Community was working on a new mod version, we held off further development knowing we would need to redo it all. We started work on the new Community mod, and then found the previously discontinued Plus version was rereleased as a mod, so we ported our work over and continued from there.

We were for a brief time developing in parallel with Plus, thus leading to some divergences in the code as we didn’t incorporate features that we viewed as detrimental to our efforts due to the vast selection of new factions/mods/maps we had added.

Plus was once again discontinued before long, and we have kept developing.

This is the origin of the mission that led to this community. We still play Antistasi, still develop the Antistasi Ultimate Mod, and look forward to your help playtesting our new developments. With our recent merger with the Untitled Arma Community, we have new leadership to spread the load previously almost entirely shouldered by me, and new plans to keep it interesting.

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