Asgard Ulagam Roleplay

Asgard Ulagam MTA - The Advanced MTA Roleplay Community with Factions, Gangs and More!!

Asgard Ulagam Roleplay

Created: September 06, 2021

Members: 1427

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Welcome to Asgard Ulagam (MTA). We hope to establish strong brotherly ties and strengthen our solidarity as a community. This server is based on the multiplayer modification of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, named Multi Theft Auto.
Our server is completely vanilla, and doesn’t use 3rd party scripts and mappings. We have a dedicated team of developers and mappers, who take care of minor bugs and glitches, and keeps the server running smoothly. Also, there’s an anti-cheat system in place to ensure fair roleplay.
The discord server of this community is maintained by a team of talented developers. We use Discord’s Auto-mod feature to identify and prevent problematic behavior before it can cause any harm. In addition, our server’s official bot, Asgardian, is designed to detect and address any violations that may occur. If you are looking for a server which prioritizes equality, integrity, teamwork, storytelling experience and a high value on protection and community safety, you have found a right place!

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