
Aurora Community Hub is a community server in the Philippines. We have AuroraRP which our main server for roleplays.


Created: August 07, 2019

Members: 14598

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Our community, AuroraRP, is widely opened for all sort of roleplayers. Whether you’re an experienced person or you’re new at roleplaying, we’re willing to accept you. Our community was introduced and established on August 4, 2019. Compared to other ones, here we have better and mature staff members who were taught how to deal with situations and problems when they arise. Our response time in accepting reports is very impressing where a report takes a minimum time of one minute to be accepted and reviewed by a Staff Member. Here, we have both Admins, responsible for Roleplaying situations and other server-based problems, and Gamemasters, who ensures that minor issues are solved. If we notice that someone is facing a disadvantage or they have difficulties, we make it our task to fix them. By doing this, we show players that we care for them and we rely on them.

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