Aussie Hub is a well established Aussie Server with organised channels and nice visuals, we welcome all


Created: March 30, 2018

Members: 2080

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Aussie Hub is a great community server, For Australians and others alike. Aussie Hub strives for server visuals, and member safety. We have active VC’s and chats, many bots and heaps of features for our members. Our staff are very active as well. Aussie Hub is a competitive server, and wish to grow and compete with other Aussie servers.

● XP roles
● 1,880+ members
● 20+ bots for fun!
● Active VC’s
● Active Chatting
● personalise the server to your liking (nitro+VIP roles, and colour roles)
● constant updates and changes
● Our own personal discord bot made by the owner
● swearing is allowed of course we’re Aussie after all
● boost to get your own channel/role/emoji added
● Buy VIP roles and gain access to 21+ features for $5.50 AUD a month
● 18+ chat for people who get annoyed with 13-17 year old’s

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