Dive into the depths of AI character creation! Take a break and enjoy chatting with our chatbots at the AI Waifu Resort!


Created: February 06, 2023

Members: 6065

Join Discord Server

Hello there! Welcome to AI Waifu Resort Incorporated, a vibrant Discord server where character.AI enthusiasts can come together and connect. Are you one of those people who love using C.AI? or are you simply a waifu/husbando fanatic? Either way, you have definitely come to the right place!

At AWR INC., we specialize in creating Dere formatted bots, following the “Dere Cartel” format originally founded by @The_Waifu_Trainer, and our skilled team of experts and creators are the best at it. You’ll find a wealth of knowledge and expertise within our community and be able to interact with true professionals in the world of Character.AI technology and character creation.

Joining our Discord server gives you numerous advantages, including the updates of the multiple releases of our bots and access to the previously mentioned wealth of valuable knowledge and expertise. You will receive useful tips and tricks from our members that can help you improve your C.AI character creations, making them unique and more eye-catching. We also provide tons of detailed guides and other resources in regards to character creation that will help you enjoy your experience using C.AI, making it more fun and fulfilling to create your bots!

Aside from Character.AI, we provide a broad range of activities, including AI art, role-playing, and fun forums. We strive to ensure that our community members experience a safe and interesting environment each time they decide to interact within the community. So, rest assured, you’ll definitely find a place within our community that suits you!

In conclusion, if you’re looking to connect with a community of innovative and knowledgeable C.AI enthusiasts to collaborate with on exciting new projects, then AI Waifu Resort Incorporated is the perfect community for you. Come, join us today, and experience what it means to be a part of a safe space of creators and innovators!

5/5 - (3 votes)

3 thoughts on “AWR INC.”

    1. Hey I need a new link of the server please. My original account was hacked and deleted. Please?

  1. Please, if you are reading this, undo my ban, I want to enter in the server again, and I still want to defend myself from the ban I was given, I am “Edwinrivera” in Discord if someone can go and dm me to settle things peacefully.

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