
This server is about everything regarding bHaptics and VR.


Created: June 22, 2020

Members: 3657

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While there are plenty of ways to access your favorite games and the Metaverse, virtual reality is one of the best ways to experience them. But you want to not only experience your games in virtual reality with your eyes, but also with your body!

In that case we might be able to help out

With bHaptics gear you can feel stuff like getting hit or the soft touch of a person. Founded in 2015, bHaptics is the world’s leading full-body haptic solutions company committed to bringing haptic technology to everyday life.

With over 170 games already supporting bHaptics equipment through native support (build into the game) or through mods created by our community, we have a great variety of games of all kind that support haptics feedback devices.

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