We are a CA Study Group for CA students (with around 900+ students currently, being the most active study server for CA students) who study together on discord.
This is a Virtual Library for CA students/CS Students/ CMA students and CFA Students. The Creator and Moderators are CA Students.
Join this virtual library, from the comfort of your home, free of cost and open 24*7.
CS Students CMA Students are all welcome!
This is the Students Hub.
Our study server provides :-
-Cam channels that are active 24/7
– An ICAI bot for help and company
-Pomodoro study sessions Doubt solving and guidance
-Find study partners and make friends
-Create private study channels/rooms
-And more cool features!
Chartered Accountancy, Chartered Accountants, CA CS Study Group, CMA Study Group, Find your study buddy and study partner here!