Cheesy Gamers Gaming & Cosplay Server [ĆG]

The Official Cheesy Gamers server! Join to play games, have fun and make freinds, remember to stay cheesy!

Cheesy Gamers Gaming & Cosplay Server [ĆG]

Created: August 03, 2020

Members: 1039

Join Discord Server


It’s true, people love cheese so what’s better than to join the Cheesy Gamers, a Discord server and clan which was created over a love of cheese + gaming!

Our community is called ‘Cheesy Gamers’ and was founded on the 21st November 2020 and is thought to be the cheesiest gaming server in existence!!

We currently have a member count of 950+

We host a variety of weekly and monthly events in our server all of which are open to clan members and non-clan members. A selection of chatrooms for specific topics such as art, popular games and MEMES!

This is a cool place to hang out where you can make new Friends and play games together all within a lgbtq+ accepting and diverse community…and cheese…lots of cheese, I mean freindly people.

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