cozy °˖

join cozy ! sfw, non toxic community ♡ ✦ anime, games, art channels ✦ more than 400 emotes ✦ fun events and giveaways !

cozy  °˖ | anime • gaming • social

Created: June 10, 2018

Members: 9215

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﹒ ***join cozy*** **!** `• °`

⟡﹕ sfw and **__non toxic__** community ♡
✦﹕ anime channels, game channels, art channels and way more!
⟡﹕ more than **400** incredibly cute emotes !
✦﹕ aesthetically pleasing __night__ themed server layout
⟡﹕ tons of fun events *and* giveaways daily !

`° •` see u soon ! ⪩⪨

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