D I G I T Λ L F R I Ξ N D Z|Social · Nitro · Active · VC · Icons · Emotes · Gaming · Anime · Fun

Digital Friendz is a community focused on socializing and gaming. Our server provides weekly events, and nitro giveaways

D I G I T Λ L F R I Ξ N D Z|Social · Nitro · Active · VC · Icons · Emotes · Gaming · Anime · Fun

Created: March 24, 2024

Members: 2048

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Active chat and VC channels

Custom emotes

Nitro giveaways

Weekly events and contests

Futuristic cyberpunk anime theme

Fast growing community


DigitalFriends is a community focused on socializing, anime, and gaming. Our server provides weekly events, giveaways, and premium versions of all your favorite bots. Your new destination for making digital friendz!

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