We are a German ArmA 3 clan that was founded in 2008 and since then has been holding weekly virtual military operations and trainings together in platoon strength every Thursday. We simulate a fictitious Special Forces Platoon of the US Armed Forces, which is deployed in a modern scenario in various fictitious conflicts worldwide. We attach great importance to an appealingly high degree of simulation, in order to do justice to the MilSim aspect, as well as to the fun of the game, so that each of our ArmA 3 events in the clan is an unforgettable experience for our members.
The platoon comprises a maximum of 60 active members who are organised in squads and fireteams on the ground and in a squadron in the air. The ground troops are closely interlinked with the air components of the 8th Special Forces Group. Through the combined interaction of ground and air units, the TITAN Platoon can realise the tasks set in the operations with an extensive and highly flexible capability profile. In this way, we as an ArmA 3 MilSim community, which is limited to one specific unit, want
If you are looking for an ArmA 3 clan and think we are the right community for you and would like to be part of our MilSim squad, then don’t be afraid to get in touch with us. We are an open and warm community that always welcomes new players to our ranks. It does not matter if you have played in an ArmA 3 clan, MilSim or if you are an absolute beginner in the game. What is important is that you are motivated and have a little time to devote to our team. You can find out more on our website https://titan-platoon.de/
—- Arma Artwork Discord Server —-
Besides our Arma Milsim group, we host and moderate the Arma Artwork Discord servers. Here everyone can post their artwork, get feedback on it and learn how to improve it.
For this purpose we offer a database of the best mods for image creation and collect the questions and solutions of the artworkers.