C O R E S H I E L D – F E A T U R E S
Coreshield is constantly being developed to provide its users with ongoing new features and improved security measures. Through regular updates, they stay protected and have access to the latest innovations.
➤ M A I N – F E A TU R E S
+ Anti Stopper
+ Anti NoClip
+ Anti Freecam
+ Anti Taze Player
+ Anti Teleport
+ Anti Infinite Stamina
+ Anti Give Item
+ Anti Superjump
+ Anti Damage Multiplier
+ Anti BiggerHitbox
+ Anti Spawn Peds
+ Anti Spawn Vehicles
+ Anti VPN
+ Anti Doubleaccount
+ Anti NuiDevtools
+ Anti Give Armour
+ Anti Invisibility
+ Anti Lua Injection
+ Anti Giveweapon
+ Anti Spectate
+ Anti Thermalvision
+ Anti Night Vision
+ Anti Particles
+ Anti Soundspam
+ Anti Tune Car
+ Anti Infinity Ammo
+ Anti Grab Vehicles
+ Anti Void
+ Anti Ragdoll
+ Anti Clear Ped Task
+ Anti Fakemessage
+ Anti Godmode
+ Anti Semi Godmode
+ Anti Fire Player
+ Anti Crash Player
+ Anti Vehicle Speed Change
+ Anti Explosion
+ Anti Lua Injection
+ Anti Executor
+ Anti Kill Player
+ Anti Spawnsafe
+ Anti Radar
+ Anti Trigger Server Event
+ Anti Trigger Client Event
+ Full RedEngine Detection
+ Full Hx Detection
+ Full Eulen Detection
➤ E X T R A – F E A TU R E S
+ Admin Menu
+ 24/7 Support
+ Standalone
+ Free Updates
+ 99,9% Uptime
+ Discord Logs
+ Bypass System
+ Web-Panel