Deutsch Lernen

Dive into German faster! Beginner-friendly lessons, native speakers, live discussions, study material, WOTD & more!

Deutsch Lernen

Created: August 11, 2023

Members: 1397

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What we offer:
➤ Beginner-friendly lessons
➤ Get in contact with native speakers
➤ Exercises & Writing tasks with corrections
➤ Ask questions
➤ Live discussions
➤ Study material
➤ Word of the day
➤ Active german-chat to talk with other learners!
➤ Native speakers
➤ Friendly staff that answer your questions!
➤ And much more to help you learn faster!

We’re a server with over 500 German learners, here you can engage with other learners, chat and talk in real-time, and participate in events. Find native speakers here, get study material shared by other German learners, and so on!

We hope to see you!

5/5 - (1 vote)

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