Neon ARK PVP ist ein ARK: Survival Evolved Server mit einer wachsenden Community.
-Tribe Limit =6
-Alliance System = Max 6 with Alliance
-Experience = 5x
-Taming = 20x
-Harvest = 1-2 Player 12x / 3-4 Player 10x / 5-6 Player x7
-Max Player Level = official
-Player Speed Limit = 180%
-Player HP Limit = 800
-Player crafting skill Limit = 1600% (1 Point = 1600%)
-Wild Max Dino Level = 150
-Wild Tek Max Dino Level = 180
-Rare Max Dino Level = 160
-Nanny Imprint = 100%
-Tamed Dino Limit = 600
-Snap Limit 8000
-Cave Damage 6x
-Resource Weight Reduction = -90%
-Item Stack Size = 5000 / 1000 / 200
-Structure limit = 50k
-Cliff limit = 80
-Tribemate Imprints True
-Infinite Structure Pickup True
-Custom Recipes True
-Grapple Glitch Enabled
-Saddle Armour Clamp 124% / 99.2%
-Weapon Damage Clamp 298%
-Flak Clamp 496 Armor / 2086 Durability
-Tek Suit Clamp 714,6 Armor / 1500 Durability
-Local Turret Limit = 100
-Local Turret Range = 20 foundations
-Heavy Turret Bullets Cap = 6 * 1000 = 6000
-Tek Turret Shards Cap = 5 * 1000 = 5000
-Active ORP Structure Resistance 50% less damage taken
-Active ORP Turret Damage 200% more damage dealt
-ORP Activation Timer 15m
-ORP PVP Activation Timer 2h
-ORP Range = 70 foundations
-ORP Limit = 1 per Map
-ORP Lifetime = 120 hours
-PVP Cooldown Mapwide
-PVP Cooldown when join a Map 60 Seconds
-New Player Protection: 3 Days for new players after 3 days since wipe.
PVE Changes
-Allow Megachelon breedable on land
-Nanny imprint to 100%
-Disabled Magmasaur spawns on Genesis 1
-Daily Quests / Season Quests
-Rare Dinos spawn, higher level, tamable / killable
-Super Rare Dinos spawn, higher level, killable, Drop Wyvern Egg
-Tek Suit cost no element when repairing
PVP Changes
-Cannon ball make no dmg to strucutres
-Flamethrower Nerf 30%
-Armor – Dura is displayed in green on the item
-Rare Dinos spawn, higher level, tamable, 15min tame delay
-Rare Loot Drop Spawn with 30min loot delay
-Super Rare Dinos spawn, higher level, killable, 30min kill delay
OSD Changes
-Disabled Yellow & Blue OSD
-OSD loot increased to 2x
-Disabled 10k & 25k veins
-Better OSD Loot x1.2
Golem Changes
-No pve animals
-better loot drop