
We’re A Totally Peaceful Offensive Discord Server.


Created: September 26, 2023

Members: 1236

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The Despots community on Discord is a toxic and hateful online space where members share and create memes that promote racist ideologies and stereotypes. This community is made up of individuals who believe in the superiority of their own race and the inferiority of others.

The memes shared in this community often feature derogatory and offensive images and text targeting individuals of different races, religions, genders, and sexual orientations. These memes serve to spread hate and perpetuate harmful stereotypes, contributing to a culture of discrimination and prejudice.

Members of this community use Discord as a platform to connect with like-minded individuals who share their racist beliefs. They engage in discussions that support and reinforce their racist views, creating an echo chamber of intolerance and bigotry.

The community is organized around a hierarchy of power and privilege, with members seeking validation and approval from their peers through the sharing of increasingly inflammatory and offensive content. This has led to a competitive culture where members strive to outdo each other in the production of shocking and provocative memes.

The racist meme community on Discord is not just a harmless group of individuals sharing jokes – it is a dangerous echo chamber of hate that perpetuates harmful ideologies and promotes discrimination. By normalizing racism and dehumanizing marginalized groups, this community contributes to a culture of intolerance and violence.

It is important for platforms like Discord to take action against communities that promote hate speech and bigotry. By shutting down these toxic spaces and holding individuals accountable for their hateful actions, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful online environment for everyone.

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