Dirty Sion Mains

Sion is love, Sion is life

Dirty Sion Mains

Created: January 01, 2017

Members: 1445

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You play Sion? You belong here! Share your games, share your strategies, cheeses, big plays, guides, etc. Sion is a champion from the game League of Legends.

A war hero from a bygone era, Sion was revered in Noxus for choking the life out of a Demacian king with his bare hands—but, denied oblivion, he was resurrected to serve his empire even in death. His indiscriminate slaughter claimed all who stood in his way, regardless of allegiance, proving he no longer retained his former humanity. Even so, with crude armor bolted onto rotten flesh, Sion continues to charge into battle with reckless abandon, struggling to remember his true self between the swings of his mighty axe.

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