Domi Online

Massively Multiplayer Online RPG set in a medieval fantasy world where there is no level cap or skill cap!

Domi Online

Created: October 13, 2021

Members: 24046

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Our community consists of passionate gamers eager to immerse themselves in the closed alpha experience of Domi Online. They enthusiastically contribute insights, feedback, and guidance to the development team in preparation for the open alpha/beta release.

At the heart of our philosophy is the commitment to crafting an enduring gaming experience, a commitment that our community wholeheartedly embraces. Drawing upon extensive expertise in web3 architecture, we leverage innovative technology to provide a gaming experience unparalleled in the MMORPG genre.

We are grateful for you to join us on this journey towards becoming a fully-fledged MMORPG. Dive in and let the game and community transport you to a new realm yet to be discovered. Your participation is key to shaping the future of Domi Online.

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