
The official discord of the Enchanted.gg Rust Servers!


Created: January 16, 2022

Members: 1807

Join Discord Server

Welcome to the official discord of the Enchanted.gg rust server network. Our servers are centered around Rust, and we’re always looking for new players to join us and experience the game together with fun ingame events!

When you join our Discord server, you’ll find a friendly and welcoming community of Rust players from all around the world. Our members range from beginners to experienced players, and we’re always happy to help each other out and share our knowledge of the game.

One of the things that sets our community apart is the focus on teamwork and collaboration. We believe that Rust is a game that’s best played together, and we encourage our members to work together to build bases, gather resources, and defend against other players and raiders (NPC or Real players).

In addition to this, we also have a variety of other channels for people looking to team up, find our server IP’s and much more!

But perhaps the most important thing about our community is the sense of friendship that we share. We’re not just a group of people who play Rust together – we’re a community of gamers who like to relax. Whether you’re looking for help in Rust or just need someone to talk to, you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community here.

If you’re a Rust player looking for a fun and friendly community to join, we’d love to have you be a part of our Discord server. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, you’ll find a group of like-minded players!

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