Epic Web

Full Stack Development Community

Epic Web

Created: May 27, 2020

Members: 16151

Join Discord Server

Make connections and friends
We’re better when we work together. Discord allows us to have meaningful and nuanced conversations about building software. If you want to ask questions or provide your own opinions, this discord community is for you. We’ll celebrate your successes and lament your misfortunes and failures. This community is focused on software development primarily, but we’re humans and we embrace that (we even have a channel on parenting!).

Share ideas
This community is a fantastic place to get and provide feedback on fun and interesting ideas. We’re all motivated to use software to make the world better in a wide variety of ways. Got a project you’ve been working on? Want to discover fascinating ways people are using software? This is the place to be.

High quality people
Our onboarding process, enforced code of conduct, and fantastic moderators keep it a friendly place to be.

Learning clubs
Form study groups and learn better together.

Discord-bot facilitated feature to plan virtual events (like streams) and connect with other devs.

Software Channels
Channels on popular topics like frontend, backend, career, and more.

Life Channels
We’re not robots. We’re people. And we have kids, pets, and money. Channels for those and more.

Jobs channel
Looking for work or an engineer? You wouldn’t be the first to start an employment relationship here.

EpicReact.dev Channels
There’s a channel for each of the workshops in EpicReact.dev so you can get/give a hand when you get stuck.

TestingJavaScript.com Channels
Leveling up your testing experience? Sweet! Get and give help in these channels.

Team Channels
As a member of the blue team, connect your discord account and you’ll get access to the exclusive blue team channels.

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