
A server for irreligious Egyptians to hangout and chill out together. Everyone is welcome as long as they are civil.


Created: August 10, 2022

Members: 2924

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This is a recovery community for exmuslim and exchristian Egyptians. Founded by ConfusedHeathen in May 2020, this community was first on reddit, and then it evolved by having (multiple) discord server(s), twitter, instagram, tiktok and youtube pages. Sadly, after the passing of Heathen, many of these pages were deleted because this community is not accepted by the wider society.

Here, we share our journey’s together, and look for other exmuslims/exchristians that share experiences like us. We’re not alone, and we’re stronger together. We’re not a debate centered server, but more calmer and fun, as there are many exmuslim communities out there for debating and serious talks. That being said we have a handful of channels for serious discussion.

Everyone, of any faith or any nationality, is welcome here, as long as you remain civil of course. Please do pass by us

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