FBT Heaven

FBT Heaven (Full Body Tracking) is a VR dance club that welcomes everyone! We operate on both VR Chat and Chillout VR.

FBT Heaven

Created: July 27, 2020

Members: 1961

Join Discord Server

• Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
• No NSFW or obscene content. This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content.
• VR Chat related content (videos and screenshots) must have nameplates disabled.
• No drug related content.
• No spamming.
• Promoting and discussing VR Chat modifications and other items that are against VR Chat’s TOS is not allowed in this server.
• Promoting other social medias must be approved by admins, (e.g. other Discord servers, personal accounts, etc).
• If you rip, leak or share assets that are not public or free for use and not yours, you will be banned without warning.
• If you are a part of asset leaking servers you will be kicked and if you rejoin without leaving said groups, you will be banned.
• Using an alternate account to get around a ban from this Discord server will result in that account being banned from the server.
• Help keep this server safe for all by reporting any major offences.
• Warnings will be issued by admins, multiple warnings will result in a ban.

5/5 - (1 vote)

One thought on “FBT Heaven”

  1. I kept getting kicked despite adhering to the rules and literally just getting into the discord I got kicked twice I am not in an asset leak discord I am not a ban evader I was quite literally just trying to join the discord and see what the world hype was about and I get kicked even when I tried to make a support ticket asking why I was kicked the first time no explanation ???????

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