
Fhenix is an ETH L2 that uses Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) for confidentiality.


Created: June 01, 2023

Members: 12712

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FHENIX is building the first confidential smart contract platform using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). FHE is a novel cryptographic scheme that enables direct computation over encrypted data without ever revealing the underlying data. Fhenix’s goal is to advance application development in the blockchain ecosystem by bringing data encryption and encrypted data computation to smart contracts, transactions, and on-chain assets for the first time.

By leveraging the power of FHE, Fhenix redefines how sensitive data is being managed in the blockchain ecosystem, envisioning a future where privacy and decentralization are not at odds, but rather, complementary aspects of a secure digital economy.

Fhenix recently raised a $7.5M Seed Round co-led by Multicoin Capital and Collider Ventures, with collaboration from Node Capital, Bankless, HackVC, TaneLabs, Hashkey and Metaplanet. The funds will be used to bring the Fhenix Network into public testnet early next year and to support ecosystem application development.

We are a loving healthy community of brothers and sisters that want to shape together the future of fully homomorphic encryption. If you are interested in building on FHEevm, learning about FHE, and being an enthusiast of FHE this is the right place for you.

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