Fire Totem Games

We are Fire Totem Games and this is our community server where you can discuss our games and chat with the devs

Fire Totem Games

Created: January 22, 2022

Members: 2943

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Join our Fire Totem Games Community Server!

We are a small indie studio from Austria working on our first game A Webbing Journey! We created this server to document our game development journey, engage with our community and have a good time together.

If you join this server, this is what you get

Discover Game Updates: Stay in the loop with thrilling releases and mind-bending features! Get exclusive sneak peeks and insider knowledge from the developers themselves. Witness gaming magic unfold!

Connect with Gamers: Forge unforgettable bonds with like-minded gamers. Engage in lively discussions, share tips and strategies, and dive into the hottest gaming trends. Level up your social gaming experience!

️ Chat with Developers: Connect directly with our passionate game developers. Share feedback, ask questions, and explore the intricacies of game creation. Unlock the secrets firsthand!

⚡️ Get Early Access: Test-drive cutting-edge features and thrilling updates before anyone else! Shape the future of our games with your valuable insights. Be ahead of the game!

Rewards and Giveaways: Enjoy exclusive in-game goodies, epic merchandise, and exciting contests. Participate and win incredible prizes. Every day feels like an adventure!

Global Gaming Connection: Unite with gamers from around the world. Forge friendships, exchange cultures, and collaborate across continents. Join an international gaming family!

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