Global State

place where you can discuss about anything all in one place you can call heaven where you can make friends around world.

Global State

Created: November 29, 2021

Members: 962

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︎GLOBAL STATE ︎ A welcoming community where you can engage in Global discussions about Anything you Like for Example gaming, memes, editing, history, Advertising and more! And meet and make friends around the world and experience New taste of life and new hobbies facts And server is safe for ages 14+ and we prioritize respectful interactions. Join us for friendly conversations and shared interests! WE ALL HAVE SAME RED BLOOD Say No To Racism
We have!
Global Chat
Languages Chats
Every Gender Chats
Media: Arts Pets, Foods, Selfies, Edits, pfp, memes and more
Chat Bots
Ton Of Fun Game Bots
Collective Bots: Pokémon, Ballsdex, Karuta And more
Psychology, Interests, Hobbies, Political, Colors And Countries Self Roles
Categories: Anime/manga, memes, roleplay, Hangout, crypto-trading, programming, Arts, religions And More
Countries: Flags, anthems, Country musics. history, militaries, tactics, edits, And More
Daily Dose: Quotes, Facts, Meme, Free Games
News: Cnn, Fox, BBC
Self Advertise
Help And Support
Anything Can Be Found Here
Join US Now Or Never:)

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