Greenville Roleplay Group is an active and growing server dedicated to hosting roleplay sessions in Greenville on Roblox. Sessions are hosted every single day, with a variety of special roleplays thrown into the mix.
We offer multiple Emergency Services Departments such as WSP, OSCO, EMS, FD, DOT, and more! Our Staff Application is open 24/7, allowing you to apply for our team at any time. We also offer positions on our Civilian Application Team and DMV Workers at special times.
On top of special giveaways hosted as one-offs by our community for prizes such as Nitro, we do monthly robux giveaways for prizes of 250 Robux and sometimes more! We also do contests ever so often for designing our Banner and Icon, with Robux prizes too!
Join today, and fill out a Civilian Application or utilize our fastpass option! If you’re a civilian in GVRPJ, GVRPC, or OGVRP, you automatically get a fastpass into the server, no application required. We’d love to have you!