Havoc Zero Gaming

Relaxed and friendly English speaking Gaming community. Welcome to all. We hang out, often idling, and just chill! :D

Havoc Zero Gaming

Created: February 17, 2018

Members: 2491

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We hang out in voice, play a large variety of games as things come and go, from shooters and survivals, to fun simulation, strategy, MMOs and all sorts. We also dabble in running our own servers for the games we really love, and love finding new people to hop in with us to get to know.

Everyone is welcoming, but equally has their own character. As a community we make sure there’s no toxicity or immature behaviour, but we don’t babysit either. There’s some basic rules to follow which we find work well for us and anyone that comes along with good intentions of finding new friends and community to be a part of.

Join us for movie nights, memes, sharing content and hobbies, ofcourse plenty of cute pet pics and stories, but mostly just a nice group of people, that happen to play games.

5/5 - (2 votes)

One thought on “Havoc Zero Gaming”

  1. Literally one of the worst servers out there. Permabanned for asking to dm the admin about the server, reason; “trolling”.
    @Shadow2097 is not admin material, likes to permaban without valid cause and laugh with his butt-buddies about it. Server like this will probably find a way to remove my critical review and keep their “5☆stars”.

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