Hectagon Finance

Making early-investment in Web3 easily.

Hectagon Finance

Created: January 21, 2022

Members: 2009

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Hectagon is a collective of experienced investors, builders, and contributors. We want to transform investing by making early investment accessible and stress-free for everyone.

In Hectagon server, we chat about building web3 projects, investment practice and crypto market updates. We hold weekly call on products & investment update, market movement and crypto educational content.

Hectagon has a Treasury built by selling $HECTA token on app.hectagon.finance. There are 2 usages of the Treasury: invest and community contribution rewards.

We are actively invest in early seed and private web3 projects, so far our portfolio has Open Food Chain, Fanzee and our pipeline has over 200 projects in review. We also rewards community members to provide added-value not only to Hectagon but also Hectagon portfolios.

Profit from investment and community activities will be distributed to DAO members through $HECTA tokens.

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