Hell’s Resting Place

Tech, Coding, Space, Memes and weird humour. What else could you ask for? Share your passions and showcase your skills.

Hell's Resting Place

Created: June 09, 2020

Members: 1117

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Thirsty for tech talk (and maybe some chill memes)? Hell’s Resting Place is your laid-back hangout for space nerds, coding comrades, and anyone who digs cool stuff.

We’re all about nerding out:

– Space: Chat about the latest space news, ponder the mysteries of the cosmos, or just share cool space pics (we’re all about the aesthetics here).
– Tech: Talk about anything tech related, I (owner) am the biggest nerd.
– Chill Vibes Only: We value open communication and friendly banter.

This ain’t your typical, high-pressure server.
Basically, if you’re down-to-earth and curious about the universe or the next big tech thing, come hang out!

Join us and:

– Chat about whatever spacey or techy stuff tickles your fancy.
– Learn from others (or teach what you know!) in a supportive and relaxed environment.
– Make new friends who share your passions.

Looking for a server that lets you be who you are and focus on your passions? Hell’s Resting Place is your spot!

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