Imperial Frontier Force

The official discord server for the highest ranking Oceanic and Asian Holdfast Regiment, the Imperial Frontier Force.

Imperial Frontier Force

Created: June 24, 2019

Members: 1203

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The official Discord server for the Imperial Frontier Force, which is the largest Holdfast regiment in OCE and SEA.

With members all throughout Oceania (Australia/New Zealand) and Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei, Hong Kong, and India).

We have 4 events every week, with OCE events on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at 8pm AEST (6pm PHT/MYT, 5pm WIB) and a SEA event on Sunday at 10pm AEST (8pm PHT/MYT, 7pm WIB), with the occasional giveaway between events.

Attended by 3 infantry companies, the 7th, 8th & 9th, who are all unique in their skills and culture.

We also host a vibrant gaming community, with other games such as HOI4 (and other Paradox games), War Thunder, Barotrauma, Minecraft, Wargame, and more being played regularly.

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