
Discuss, roleplay - have fun! This is server for Influence game, but also we have our unique discord-based activities!


Created: April 03, 2019

Members: 1841

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Originally, this server started as purely a server dedicated to the Influence – mobile (Android) game made by Teremok Games.

But since then we’ve grown quite a lot and our main feature is – DISCORD BATTLES!

There are three factions

**Cybernetics Inc.**

The rise of AI is imminent. We must just embrace it and lead the movement. We won’t live inside the matrix, we will run it! Human digital enhancement – this is our vision for the future.

**MindTech Institute**

Mind is the greatest tool any human has. Our studies have shown that with proper training and the right practices this tool may become the most powerful weapon ever available to the human race.

**Delta Collective**

While global organisations think they have everything under their control, a new movement is emerging. Across the world, more and more people join this initiative to take back control over their lives.

Join any of them to help them fight for control over Zeithalt Island or stay as unaffiliated sellsword to help different factions based on the situation.

Also our members write amazing quality lore about the world and battles happening in it.

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