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Welcome to Monolith Games, the official Discord community for slime enthusiasts and players of "Slime Chronicle's"!

Created: May 06, 2023

Members: 8268

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Share tips, strategies, and experiences related to Slime Chronicle’s. Connect with fellow players and find new friends to explore the game with. Join a passionate community of slime enthusiasts. Discuss your favorite slime types, discover new ones, and exchange tips on caring for your virtual slime companions. Also stay up to date with the latest game updates, events, and news related to Slime Saga. Be the first to know about exciting in-game events and giveaways! Access comprehensive guides and tutorials to help you master the game and become a slime-taming expert. You can participate in fun contests and giveaways to win exclusive in-game items and other rewards. Test your skills and luck to become the ultimate slime champion! Forge lasting friendships with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Slime Chronicle’s and Roblox. Our friendly and inclusive community is always ready to welcome new members. Bots and Engage in interactive bot games and activities within the server. Compete with fellow members and earn rewards for your achievements. Monolith Games Discord offers a plethora of channels and features to enhance your experience within the community. Whether you’re seeking gameplay advice, looking for trading partners, or simply want to chat, you’ll find a place here.
Join us on this incredible journey through the enchanting world of Slime Chronicle’s. Whether you’re a dedicated slime player or just curious about this captivating Roblox game, our server is the perfect place to connect, learn, and have a slime-tastic time!

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