Katy Perrie’s Drag Race

In this server you can play in a drag race simulutor in roblox. you can do Lip syncs looks and more!

Katy Perrie's Drag Race

Created: January 10, 2022

Members: 1169

Join Discord Server

Welcome to our fabulous Discord server dedicated to our mini season game of RuPaul’s Drag Race! Get ready to unleash your creativity and showcase your artistry like never before. Here’s why you should join us on this glamorous journey:

1️⃣ Creating Stunning Looks: Indulge your inner fashionista and channel your creativity into designing jaw-dropping drag looks. From extravagant costumes to flawless makeup, let your imagination run wild. Our server provides a platform for sharing tips, tutorials, and inspiration, ensuring everyone can refine their skills and slay the runway.

2️⃣ Electrifying Lip Sync Battles: Prepare to lip sync for your life! Engage in fierce competitions where your passion and performance take center stage. Show off your lip syncing prowess, captivate the audience, and leave them gagging with every sync. Join us to experience the adrenaline rush and build a reputation as the lip sync assassin of our mini season.

3️⃣ Community of Like-Minded Artists: Surround yourself with fellow drag enthusiasts who share your love for RuPaul’s Drag Race. Our server brings together a vibrant and diverse community of drag aficionados, allowing you to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other. Discover new techniques, exchange ideas, and forge friendships that will last a lifetime.

4️⃣ Fun-Filled Challenges: Get ready for an array of exciting challenges designed to push your artistic boundaries. Whether it’s themed runway presentations, makeup transformations, or lip sync battles, each challenge offers a chance to showcase your unique style. Our supportive community will cheer you on and provide valuable feedback, fostering growth and development.

5️⃣ Safe and Inclusive Environment: We prioritize creating a safe and inclusive space for all members. Discrimination, hate speech, and negativity have no place in our server. We celebrate diversity and encourage respectful interactions, ensuring everyone feels valued and heard. Join us in spreading love, acceptance, and the vibrant spirit of drag culture.

6️⃣ Sharing Art and Inspiration: Our server thrives on the power of sharing. Share your stunning drag creations, innovative makeup techniques, and artistic inspirations with the community. Whether it’s a detailed tutorial, a mesmerizing transformation video, or a captivating drag photoshoot, your contributions will inspire and uplift others.

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