Kevlar Studios

A community server where designers can network and inspire others! We also help connect small businesses to freelancers!

Kevlar Studios

Created: April 21, 2020

Members: 4009

Join Discord Server

Welcome to Kevlar Studios Community Discord!

Join a vibrant hub where designers from all backgrounds gather to collaborate, learn, and grow together. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, looking to showcase your work, or eager to dive into design challenges, Kevlar Community is your creative playground.

What We Offer:
– Creative Challenges and Designathons
– Opportunities for Collaboration and Networking
– Resources like Tutorials and Expert Tips
– ️ Podcasts and Talks featuring Industry Leaders
– ️ Showcases to Display Your Portfolio
– Fun Events and Giveaways
– Supportive Community for Feedback and Discussions

Come join us and unleash your creativity in a supportive and inspiring environment!

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