Panchikord is the official Discord server for the UK alternative rock band Panchiko. Endorsed by the band, the server was created in 2019 when the band was only known for their 2000 EP “D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L”, with the only versions of the tracks available being riddled with disc rot. The purpose of the server initially was to search for information about the band and attempt to find the origin of the EP. Come early 2020 and contact is made with singer Owain through an old, inactive Facebook page for a musical project he had after Panchiko.
Afterwards, the band tracked down higher quality versions of the D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L EP, as well as a second EP from 2001 titled “Kicking Cars” and released them on streaming services in February of 2020. Since then, the band has released CDs, vinyl, cassettes, T-Shirts and loads of other merchandise, released more of their old demos as well as embarking on a tour in the UK as well as the United States.
The band members frequently lurk the channels and are more than willing to answer any questions you may have relating to them, the band and their interests (as long as it follows the rules). We hope you enjoy your stay if you decide to join us!