Korean Dramas

This sever is all about kdramas, come join in to chat with other kdrama fans

Korean Dramas

Created: August 04, 2020

Members: 21823

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Differences between K-Drama Livestream & Stream room 2
~ Streams, sourced from the KR TV Broadcast, with no English subtitles are usually done in K-Drama Livestream. Sometimes these streams may have LIVE Translation. If so, this is announced in streams-info before the beginning of the episode and the actual translation is done in live-subs . Only users with a streamer role are allowed to stream in the VC and members can’t turn on their mics to talk with each other.

~ Streams with english subtitles are usually done in Stream room 2 . All members are allowed to organise and do streams in this channel by announcing it at least 10 mins before they start streaming in the stream-chat , so other members can join if they want to. Members are also allowed to turn on their mics and talk with each other in this VC.

Info about all planned upcoming streams done by the server streamers is posted in streams-info at least 1 hour before the start of the stream.
If possible, alternative ways for watching are also provided, different from the stream in the Discord VC. To be notified when a stream starts please get the corresponding role from ❕roles !

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