
Remember that YOU are inherently SEXY just the way you are, inside and out! We are a server focused on building you up!


Created: February 03, 2022

Members: 1322

Join Discord Server

Here in Kuruverse, we have a large close family of members.

Everyday there are activities to do, and competitions every week.

Our moderators try their best to make sure everyone has a smooth time while in our community. We are very diverse with people from all over the world, from different religions, backgrounds, and lifestyles.

From China to Russia and Islam to Hinduism. You are sure to find someone you can relate to. All of our more active users get a nickname of sorts, and get to learn a simple, but very fun small dialect of English spoken nowhere else! Our community is *objectively* chill and fun. We would love for you to join, sire!

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