LaTale M

Welcome to the LaTale M Discord Server! Enter a world of the beautiful 2D side-scrolling fantasy MMORPG

LaTale M

Created: August 07, 2023

Members: 4143

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Please follow the rules below to keep a positive vibes in the community!

Be respectful to everyone at all times.

Do not impersonate others, including public figures.

No inappropriate post. Do not share any NSFW, obscene, or harmful content.

No Spam, No toxic behavior. Excessive use of inappropriate language is prohibited.

If deemed necessary, Discord Moderator will ban, kick, or restrict permissions at their sole discretion.

If an issue does occur, please reach out to a Discord Moderator.

Both parties that are involved in an issue will be treated equally if the server rules are broken.
Our bots do not send any DMs to users.

Never share your private information with others.
Please make sure you know who exactly the person you are DMing with by checking their Discord Username.

Please note that you are solely responsible for the security of your account and personal information.

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