League Tycoon

Fantasy Football Leagues Redefined: More Strategy, More Skill, More Engagement. Contract/Gambit/Graveyard Leagues.

League Tycoon

Created: January 31, 2023

Members: 1096

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This server is all about awesome fantasy football league formats. Our leagues have more strategy, more skill, and more engagement.

Our primary format is Contract Dynasty Leagues. In this format you sign players to multi-year contracts while staying under the salary cap.

Another high skill format that we offer is Gambit Leagues. Gambit fantasy football leagues allow you to put your in depth fantasy knowledge to use! Gambit leagues are played like your traditional fantasy football league, but with one big difference: Coaches. Each coach brings a different scheme to a team which facilitates different strategies. In the first round of your draft everyone will select their coach for the season. The remaining rounds of your draft are the same as a traditional draft.

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