Legacy Retirement LLC

Gaming community over 13 years. We focus on playing at a hardcore level while not forgetting we all have IRL priorities.

Legacy Retirement LLC

Created: April 30, 2017

Members: 7702

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We are a well-known group evolved from over 12 years of gaming, especially in recent sandbox mmos. Ask any vet from recent games about OwO/Veritas/Legacy and you’ll get a wall of text about how much they hate us, or how good of homies we were to them. We’re all about solid comms and keeping it common sense. Turnover stays low and our leadership have been running things with the same names for years.


» Known top-players, streamers, and shotcallers from the last 12 years of MMOs and Survival games.

» Fun guild rank progression – titles in PvP, Logistics, and PvE, all separately. More here: https://bit.ly/3xd9HAG

» Bar-setting guild organization via scripted crafting sheets integrated with in-house coded bots. Reddit-famous examples include (https://bit.ly/3Miemac) among many more still private.

» Visual guides and training programs for our members. Guides like this – (https://bit.ly/3x9yuG2) and (https://bit.ly/3tjWfd8) run alongside weekly training events and drills.

» Squads – Our anti-zerg system. More here:

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