affectionate having or showing fond feelings or tenderness loving, adoring, fond
agreeable pleasing or pleasant pleasant, harmonious, amenable
amiable friendly and agreeable in disposition friendly, polite, kind
bright intelligent smart, intellectual
charming highly pleasing or delightful enchanting, fascinating
creative characterized by originality and expressiveness artistic, imaginative, inventive
determined resolute, having made a firm decision persistent, stubborn, single-minded
diligent consistent in effort, pursued with persevering energy and attention persistent, hard-working, industrious
diplomatic having the ability to deal with situations or people in an effective, sensitive way tactful, gracious, strategic
dynamic full of energy and positive in attitude charismatic, energetic, vital
energetic showing great vitality and activity vigorous, vivacious, lively
friendly kind and pleasant, on good terms with affable, companionable, amicable
funny causing amusement or laughter hilarious, amusing, comical
generous freely giving and sharing, unselfish big-hearted, charitable, considerate
giving caring, providing emotional support generous, big-hearted, bountiful
gregarious sociable, fond of being around others affable, friendly, convivial
hardworking working with great energy and concentration industrious, diligent, zealous
helpful useful, readily providing assistance beneficent, supportive, accommodating
kind having a good, generous, or friendly nature affable, good, compassionate
likable pleasant and easy to like agreeable, friendly, amiable
loyal giving constant faith and support to a person, nation, or institution faithful, committed, devoted
patient able to tolerate problems without complaint or anger enduring, tolerant, forbearing
polite showing good manners courteous, civilized, cordial
sincere free of deceit, falseness, or pretense genuine, honest, heartfelt