Lost Legion

We are a friendly and inclusive European gaming community. We play more than 50 games, including competitive HLL.

Lost Legion

Created: July 13, 2020

Members: 1590

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Lost Legion is a European gaming community whose members come from different countries and continents.

Our main game is Hell Let Loose, as it has been for 3 years, since the inception of our community in 2020. We seed our own server every day and we also join in competitive Hell Let Loose events of different kinds.
Besides that, we also play more than 50 games with our members and guests of our community.
That way you can always find someone to play games with.

So, if it is a competitive or a casual clan for Hell let Loose that you seek, or just fun people to talk to, make friends with, or have people to play other games with, we got you covered!

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