Mety’s Heroes has been around for five years, give or take, and was built up around Mety333’s content. Mety is a notable The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild youtuber, and has also made videos on games like the Mega Man series (check out his website at www.megamanayla.com), the Xenoblade Chronicles, Metroid, Genshin Impact, and more!
Glitches, long streams, and funny videos are staples of Mety’s videos and streams, which can be seen on YouTube and Twitch.
The community itself is a lot more laid back than it used to be, but regular members are still pretty active. While Splatoon used to be extremely popular, with various teams forming here, members are more likely to be seen playing Halo Infinite nowadays. Pokemon, Smash, and other Nintendo games are also quite popular, but much of the community hangs around to chat and share memes. There’s also a fairly extensive level role system, however most important permissions are unlocked fairly early on, and even then, we’re pretty lax with the image perms. Sometimes there are events, but no promises.