MOBILE E-SPORTS is an organiser for esports tournaments in mobile games.


Created: May 16, 2016

Members: 12853

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MOBILE E-SPORTS® is the leading online eSports organizer for mobile games. We started in 2015, introducing esports tournaments to mobile gaming before the mobile esports industry became mainstream. While our company is run by an international team, our headquarters is located in the United Kingdom. Our vision is to be the primary attraction for mobile gaming and to empower the mobile esports industry. Mobile Gaming has exceeded the limit with its console-like quality titles and competitive nature, and we want to ensure that eSports on mobile does so as well.

With our vast network and supportive partners, we aim to shine the light on unique individuals and remarkable teams in order to help them achieve their dream as professional mobile gamers within a growing platform. Our tournaments are free and open to all players from all around the world as long as they comply with our rules and regulations in reference to the guidelines provided by our partners. As experts and pioneers in the mobile industry, we are open to host any tournament for any mobile company that is interested.

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