Nanotopia Game

The main discord community for all of the wonderful folks across the land of Nanotopia

Nanotopia Game

Created: May 05, 2021

Members: 4827

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Green Rabbit game, is a 3D skill-based player-controlled game on the WAX blockchain.

There are two components to it, a web-based game where players stake their Green Rabbit NFTs to generate Shellinium (one of our 5 tokens), this shellinium can then be used in addition to our other NFTs to create armours that can then be used in the 3D game. We are also developing multiple game modes, the current module is a racing game.

Green Rabbit is an ever-evolving multi-activity Metaverse and is still under heavy development, other than the racing which we will continue to work on expanding we also have a social HUB complete with voice and text chat, customizable player apartments and an FPS game in the works.

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