Nexus Global

We are a relaxed non toxic dota inhouse community trying to have fun with dota 2 in what ever way we want.

Nexus Global

Created: November 26, 2019

Members: 1016

Join Discord Server

Inhouse&Tournaments: Join our regularly scheduled inhouse&tournaments where you can test your skills against other passionate Dota2 players. Compete for glory, prizes, and the chance to be crowned as our server’s champion!

Ranked Matchmaking: Looking to climb the MMR ladder? We have a dedicated channel for finding teammates to tackle the challenges of ranked matchmaking. Form the ultimate squad and strategize your way to victory.

Casual Games: Not in the mood for the pressure of ranked? We’ve got you covered with a bustling community of players ready for casual games. Jump in, have fun, and experiment with different heroes and strategies.

Community Events: Stay tuned for exciting community events like Battle Cups, All Random Deathmatch (ARDM) tournaments, and themed inhouses. We’re always thinking of creative ways to keep the Dota2 experience fresh and enjoyable.

️ Active Discussions: Engage in discussions about hero meta, patch updates, strategies, and more. Share your insights, seek advice, and learn from experienced players to improve your Dota2 skills.

Voice Channels: Coordinate with your teammates effectively using our voice channels. Communication is key in Dota2, and our server provides the perfect platform for it.

Friendly Community: Join a welcoming and diverse community of Dota2 enthusiasts who share your passion for the game. Forge new friendships, find teammates, and enjoy the game to the fullest.

Resource Sharing: Discover useful guides, videos, and resources shared by our community members. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s always something new to learn.

Region Focus: While we welcome Dota2 players from all over, our server primarily focuses on the European Dota2 scene, ensuring that you have the best opportunities to connect with local players.

Join us today and become a part of the Nexus Dota2 Europe community. Whether you’re a competitive player striving for victory or just looking for a casual game with like-minded individuals, we’ve got something for everyone. Let’s make Dota2 even more thrilling and enjoyable together!

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